Customer: US Army Information Systems Engineering Command (USAISEC), Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613
Contract Number: W9128Z22D0005
Period of Performance: Five (5) years (01-DEC-2021 thru 30-NOV-2026)
Option Period: One five (5) year option period (01-DEC-2026 thru 30-NOV-2031)
Contract Types: ID/IQ with Task Orders of Firm Fixed Price (FFP), Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF), and Hybrid types
Ceiling: $800 Million
Contract Description:
The contract provides for information systems engineering and information technology support services to United States Army Information Systems Engineering Command (USAISEC). The services will include engineering and material acquisition related activities in support of all aspects of information and communication systems. Support will be required for the full life cycle of USAISEC projects to include planning, design, development, engineering, procurement, logistics, implementation/installation, evaluation, test, sustainment, systems retirement, and ancillary services. Most of the worldwide support is required to occur at sustained locations that are secure and possess adequate infrastructure. However, worldwide support may include areas with challenging environments including remote locations, and sometimes hostile locations with little to no infrastructure. Work in highly secure facilities involving the highest level clearances may be required.
Key areas of support include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Information Systems Integration/Installation
- Information Systems Engineering
- Engineering and Site Surveys
- Project Services
- Cybersecurity
- Test and Evaluation
- Project Management
- Transitional Operations and Maintenance Service
- Information Systems Documentation
- Drafting and Illustration Support
- Information Technology Technical Services
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