As the nation’s combat logistics support agency, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) manages the global supply chain – from raw materials to end user to disposition – for the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, 11 combatant commands, other federal agencies, and partner and allied nations. TekSynap supports DLA Information Operations (J6), the Agency’s knowledge broker, by providing comprehensive, best practice Information Technology (IT) support to the Department of Defense (DOD) and DLA Business Community resulting in high quality information systems, customer support, efficient and economical computing, data management, electronic business, and telecommunications services. TekSynap supports technology service requirements across the DLA Information Operations Enterprise, the DLA Program Executive Offices (PEO), and all other technology service requirements currently supported through DLA Contracting Services Office (DCSO) acquisitions.

Defense Logistics Agency
Systems Integration
Systems Integration
Program Management
Program Management
Application Development
Application Development
Operations Support
Operations Support
Cloud Integration
Cloud Integration
Cybersecurity & Identity
Cybersecurity & Identity
Wifi Services
Wifi Services