TekSynap Achieves VMware Professional level in their Solution Provider Program

We are very proud to announce TekSynap has successfully met the requirements for VMware's Professional level Solutions Provider Program. With this partnership, TekSynap gains access to Vmware Partner Central, Sales, Marketing and Leads materials,…

Cisco Premier Partner

We are very proud to announce TekSynap has successfully met the requirements of the Cisco Premier Partner Program.

Invitation to become a Cisco Advanced Professional Partner (ATP)

TekSynap, by special invitation, was invited to become a Cisco Advanced Professional Partner subcontractor. TekSynap has entered into an agreement to represent and provide OEM services to Cisco as we jointly support our customer in their missions.

Harris Corporation, VA WiFi Program Appreciation Award

TekSynap was instrumental in our partnership and proposal support to the successful capture of the National VA WiFi program at the US Department of Veteran Affairs. Harris formally recognized our contributions in September of 2013 and again…
TekSynap Harris Award

T4 Business Development Award, Harris Corporation 2014

Kamran Jinnah and President David Gauldfeldt received Harris Corporation Industry Partner of the Year in recognition for the successful capture of the VA WiFi National programs. TekSynap won this award among Harris’s 54 VA T4 industry par…

GDIT Certificate of Appreciation 2014

President David Gauldfeldt and Chief Operating Officer Michael Haskett both received recognition awards for their contributions on the successful bid of the Pentagon Enterprise Transport Management (ETM) Program. TekSynap was the only company…